Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mamma Mia It's Hot!!

They weren't kidding when they said Rome is hot in July! It's been topping out better than 90 degrees and when you're walking a gazillion miles a day, you can really work up a good froth. We did finally master the bus, subway and Metro systems so that's made the travel a lot easier. Did I mention that the founders of Rome had no master plan -- they just let anyone build anywhere so there aren't any straight streets which makes really small maps very hard to follow. But I digress.

Today we visited the Spanish Steps (see picture) since the boys hadn't been there yet. (Joel and I went there one evening by ourselves.) Yes, they're really steps...lots of them. So we climbed up them and then went back to Villa Borghese for a little grass time. We tried out the segways in the park which was quite the adventure and was deemed 'Alex worthy'. We rate everything we do on whether it's worthy of doing it again at the end of our trip when we return with Alex and segways have officially made the list.

So now we're sitting for our last time at Mad Jack's (the American bar with Irish beer and the waiter from Ecuador) while Drew and Calvin are back at the apartment hopefully whipping up our dinner of salad and pasta. Off to Pompeii and Sorrento tomorrow. We've loved Rome, but are looking forward to the next leg of our trek with seaside views and smaller venues to navigate.



  1. Yes to segways! I would also like to know if Calvin did any of the whipping of pasta and salad.

  2. Our Dearest Alex. No, Calvin "whipped" up nothing by the time we got home. We expected that. By the way, we have a great Mom segway story to tell when you get here. And Drew ran over himself.

  3. Love the posts...keep them coming! Not near the color I had expected however. I will send Tony from Chicago...I think he has family in Italy. Will there be an Italian welcome home, complete with cooking with the recipes learned? (calvin?)

  4. Hi Sauers! - Just remembered to check your blog and was not surprised that you are having a wonderful time. You haven't missed much here in the Fort unless you had a desire to be in the Wall Lake boat parade. We lost to Yabba Dabba Do, Red White and Blue ... with the Flinstones. So fun to see your pics. Bill and I will definitely be adding Italy to our short list of destination places. Keep notes for us. Safe Travels. Gretchen

  5. We are just uncovering comments from our posts!! So fun to hear from all of you.

    Yes, Patti, we have been pretty cut and dried with out posts. Our apologies. We'll try to spice it up a bit. And of course we will have a welcome home else will we subject people to Joel's 1000s of pics - FEED THEM!!

    Gretchen, so sorry we missed the boat parade. We're SO looking forward to Wall Lake in September!! xo
